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Version: 16.1

Date: 11-2022

Enterprise Architect


The perfect enterprise wide solution to visualise, analyse, model, test and maintain all of your systems, software, processes and architectures. Enterprise Architect is the ideal platform to help you to stay in control of your workspace, support your colleagues and team, enable collaboration and build confidence within your most complex projects.

An Edition that's Right for You
Sparx Systems provides 4 different editions of Enterprise Architect that are customized for differing usage scenarios. From the introductory Professional version, through the Corporate team based edition, richly provisioned Unified and finally the Ultimate edition, there is an Enterprise Architect edition that is right for your situation.

Entry level UML modeling for individuals and workgroups

Robust team based modeling and design platform

Advanced modeling, design, simulation and frameworks

Fully featured. Delivers the ultimate experience

Open your enterprise to your modeling efforts
A single repository for business analysts, software architects, developers, project managers, testers, roll-out and support staff. A 'unified' view of a complex system having many view points and many possible sub-systems. Shared models can be accessed easily and securely by remote team members with Enterprise Architect's Pro Cloud Server.

Manage complex information
Enterprise Architect helps individuals, groups and large organizations model and manage complex information. By integrating and connecting a wide range of structural and behavioral information in visual form, you can build a coherent, verifiable model of what-is or what-will-be.

Tools built into Enterprise Architect that help you manage complexity include:

  • Diagrams for modeling strategic and business level concepts
  • Domain-specific profiles and reusable model patterns
  • Baseline and version management for tracking and integrating changes
  • Role-based security to help the right people contribute in the right way

Flexible and rich
Unique in its ability to pull together complex domains and create a single, accessible, unified vision. Combines high end tools, a commitment to open standards, accessible pricing and online availability.

Open Standards
Based on open standards like UML, BPMN and SysML. Supporting enterprise architecture frameworks like TOGAF and UPDM. Integrated custom tools to analyze and visualize running software. Advanced simulation, testing tools, team based repositories, version control and more.

Tracking, prioritizing and assigning tasks is a critical part of managing a model's development over time. Track model tasks against individual resources and against the project as a whole. Task allocations can be viewed as a Gantt chart, allowing you to monitor progress visually.

Test and Debug
Develop and visualize software. Test and verify correct behavior. Simulate processes. Set and manage test points. Debug and inspect executing software. Advanced simulation, testing tools, team based repositories, version control and more.

Able to dynamically simulate behavior and state models. Confirm process design. Specify triggers, events, constraints and more. Watch the wheels turn! Specify complex and large structural systems. Create and debug embedded solutions. Build custom domain specific solutions. Build your own domain specific modeling tools!

Model, manage and trace
Capture and trace formal requirements to design, build, deployment and beyond. Use impact analysis to trace proposed changes to original requirements. Build the right system.

Enterprise Architect's built-in requirements management features can be used to:

  • Define an organized, hierarchical requirements model
  • Trace the implementation of system requirements to model elements
  • Search and report on requirements
  • Perform impact analysis of proposed changes to requirements

High performance
Load extremely large models in seconds
Fast! Enterprise Architect users agree - Enterprise Architect is a spectacularly fast performer, loading extremely large models in seconds. Featuring a high-performance model repository, Enterprise Architect easily accommodates large teams sharing the same view of the enterprise.

Collaborate effectively globally
With tightly integrated version control capabilities, and deployable cloud-based servers, Enterprise Architect also allows globally distributed teams to collaborate effectively on shared projects.

Kickstart your Project with over 1000 Patterns
A wealth of specially crafted patterns and re-usable model structures across multiple modeling domains and languages will fast track your design work and help you deliver accurate and stunning models that leverage a strong and proven foundation.

Perspective based modeling reduces noise and simplifies the workspace
Turn down the noise and focus in on one modeling task at a time. Concentrate on Business Analysis or Strategy or Software Design or Systems engineering while pushing other technologies and tools into the background. An essential tool for staying "on track".

Enterprise Architect Version 16

Modeling and Collaborating in a Rapidly Changing World


  • Collaborate tools have been restructured into the following new windows
    -'Chat & Mail' : Chat, Mail, Diary, Recent
    -'Discuss & Review' : Journal, Discuss, Review
    Changes to existing naming include Journal being renamed to Diary and Comments renamed to Journals
  • Added ability to manage and share small files and images through Chat, Journals and Discussions
  • Images can be copied and pasted from the clipboard and directly inserted as a hyperlink to that file in a Chat, Journal or Discussion entry
  • Ctrl + click the hyperlink to view the image or file locally
    -Each tool provides a 'Manage Documents' window for viewing, deleting or resending previous inserted files
    -'Manage Documents' window allows filtering on files sent by you or others and inspecting other details including file size, type and date sent
  • New unread model mail messages will now appear under the 'Msg' notification button, displayed top right next to 'Perspective' button
  • Collaboration Diagrams now display an icon in the top right corner of an Actor to indicate the active chat
  • In-place editors for discussions, comments, specification manager and others improved to remove minor redrawing, sizing and scrolling issues

Auto-refresh Diagrams

  • Collaborate and co-author diagrams in real time. The new Auto-Refresh diagram option turns your regular Enterprise Architect diagram into a shared white board
  • Just enable Auto-Refresh on your diagram with a preferred time-interval and let your team monitor updates as they happen

Model governance

  • Finer control over user permissions
    -Add data loss prevention rules at the user level on top of model user security authorization to prevent unwanted destruction of model data
    -User restrictions prevent a user from performing specific operations regardless of what their other user and group security privileges allow
  • Auditing performance significantly improved in a various scenarios for example, when creating new elements, saving diagrams

Auto-Reload changed Diagrams

  • Set Enterprise Architect to reload any diagrams you have open when there are changes made by others working in the same model at the same time

Grid style diagram

  • Build a Spreadsheet, a Dashboard, even a Home page for your model with the new Grid Style diagram
  • Apply a familiar spreadsheet like overlay that automatically constrains elements to a cell size within a specified set of rows and columns

Enterprise Architect 64-bit

  • Enterprise Architect has been extensively reworked into both an all new 64-bit version and a legacy 32 bit version.
  • The new 64-bit version comes with many performance improvements that allow you to work with much larger data sets, reports, files and repositories.

New standard file based repositories

  • Enterprise Architect 16 introduces new standard file based repositories
  • Supporting Enterprise Architect 64-bit
  • QEA files - the basic personal file based version
  • QEAX files - support shared files with small work-groups
  • One touch migration tools from EAP/EAPX to QEA/QEAX

Construct History window

  • Monitor your construction in real-time with the new Construct History window
  • Keep an up-to-date view of resource/task allocation, the current testing being run, as well as the current maintenance issues
  • The three Construct Views to keep you informed:
    -The Resource/Task view with current tasks, tasks ending, tasks beginning
    -Testing view for tests run within a configurable time frame
    -Maintenance view for all changes and issues raised and actioned in the recent past

Custom Documents

  • One of the major innovations in version 15 is now enhanced to provide an even more compelling solution for building highly customizable reports
    -Ability to select and apply a template on Initial document creation
    -More details on setting the sections
    -Improved content list, now contains element and template being used for each dynamic section
  • Start Page enhancements

    • Create from Pattern - Quickly create and develop new models using the Create from Pattern tools
    • Add Diagram - Instantly select and add new diagrams to your model from UML, SysML and many other open standards and technologies

    External Data tab in Inspector window

    • PCS based Integration to external systems such as Jira provide the modeler with a multi-faceted view of their information
    • Provides a new tool for digging even deeper into the information stored externally and related to the model "proxy" element

    Code Analyzer

    • Search, Query and Inspect your Code Base with incredible speed and detail
    • Compile your code base into a Code Miner repository
    • Use one of the supplied language grammars - or write your own!
    • Use the MFQL query language to search and inspect your code
    • Connect up with Enterprise Architect's code editors to provide on the fly Intelli-sense


    • The all new Scriptlet element lets you tap into Enterprise Architect's underlying rich diagram and element API
    • The new Scriptlets run whenever the diagram is loaded, or run manually on demand
    • Customize appearance, text, tagged values and other properties on the fly
    • Use the new Grid Style diagrams plus Scriptlets to build your own spreadsheets!
    • Update the Grid style diagrams using new cell reference (A:1, A:2, etc) API

    JavaScript Console

    • The new JavaScript view provides a better visual and interactive experience, helping you to quickly and effectively write and execute JavaScript code within EA.

    Simplified way of connecting to DBMS repositories

    • The native connection method simplifies the connection to existing and new database repositories without the need for installation of drivers for individual DBMS and the definition of DSNs.

    Expanded JavaScript library

    • JavaScript is the new default scripting language in Enterprise Architect 16
    • As part of this change, the existing libraries for VB Script and JScript have been migrated into JavaScript

    Customizable Quick Access Toolbar

    • Quickly add your favorite and often used commands (including menu buttons) from the Ribbon to the new Quick Access Toolbar

    New UI theme - Dark Sapphire

    • New dark visual theme "Dark Sapphire", designed to minimize visual contrast and provide a relaxed reading experience
    • The new theme can be applied to all windows and visual controls in Enterprise Architect

    Native XEA file exchange format

    • A new fast and convenient alternative to XMI and XML format for speedy data exchange of large packages
    • Using XEA format helps to streamline model archiving and the export and import of Enterprise Architect repositories

    Configuring AutoName using stereotype

    • Auto-naming has been expanded to include targeting specific element types AND stereotype

    Status tab in Inspector window

    • Quickly inspect and review the status and priority of all elements in a diagram
    • An essential triage tool to help you focus on what is important now and what can wait
      -Display a list of all elements in a diagram
      -Focus on the Status and Priority settings of each element
      -Work with your most pressing issues
      -Add your own Priority and Status types to the model to drive your modeling and design

    Gantt Chart view in Resource Allocation window

    • Resource Allocation docked window now functions as Gantt Chart
      -Provides an improved visual experience for those assigning and managing tasks within the model
      -Get a clear visual of work happening on any element
      -Quickly modify start and end dates with drag and drop
      -Add and modify tasks with ease
      -Zoom in and out on work items
      -Percent complete overlaid on tasks for immediate visual reference

    New Model Patterns for Systems Engineers

    • Enterprise Architect 16 continues to expand the library of re-usable patterns and content that drives efficiency and productivity

    NIEM 5 Support

    • Get started by simply importing the latest NIEM 5.0 reference model from the Model wizard

    MDG Add-in Integration for Sparx Enterprise Architect

Trial Download

Price information

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Select Product / License Count / Delivery type




Enterprise Architect Professional 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Professional 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Professional Floating 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Professional Floating 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Corporate 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Corporate 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Corporate Floating 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Corporate Floating 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Unified 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Unified 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Unified Floating 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Unified Floating 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Ultimate 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Ultimate 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Ultimate Floating 1-49 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Enterprise Architect Ultimate Floating 50-100 user license incl. 1 year Maintenance (email)




Pricing is based on prepayment and excluding VAT / BTW / MwSt / TVA.

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Last updated : 12-05-2024


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